The monograph is the first attempt in the legal-historical science to characterize the court and proceedings in the Turkiс-Mongol states on a base of the Mongolian imperial law established by Chinggis Khan at the edge of 12th–13th cc. and later used by his direct descendants and other successors for ages down to the beginning of 20th c. The book is a series of essays with the analysis on a base of the wide circle of sources and results of previous studies the process of rise, development and decline of the khan’ justice is traced. Author examines single examples of trials as well as clarifies general trends, principles of proceedings, similarities and differences of different aspect of court and proceedings in different states of Eurasia during different periods of time. The base for the research includes a number of legal and non-legal monuments. The systematization of their information allows to reconstruct different elements of court and proceedings in different states and epochs as well as clarify an attitude of contemporaries and descendants towards the khans’ justice.
The book is designed for specialists in the fi eld of history of state and law, court and proceedings, as well as for historians and orientalists who study problems of history of the traditional states of Eurasia, specialists in source-study, ethnographers, anthropologists and students who majoring in the aforementioned specialities.