The Time of Demographic Changes
Anatoly Vishnevsky
- Year2015
- Number of pages520
- ISBN978-5-7598-1264-7
The book contains the collected articles of Anatoly G. Vishnevsky on the key issues ofdemography of the XXI century, published mainly over the past 10–15 years.
The articles selectedfor publication focus on the theoretical comprehension of fundamental demographic changesoccurring in the world, on their determinants and consequences. These consequences are universaland run through all levels of social reality, from the family to the global.Great attention is paid to Russian population issues. The author seeks to understand andto explain Russia’s demographic problems in the context of universal and global demographicchanges and challenges. Some articles are devoted to the history and current state of Russianpopulation studies.
The potential audience of the book are researchers representing a broad range of socialscience disciplines, teachers and students, politicians and journalists, and a wide range of readersinterested in population studies and related sciences.
The publication is timed to coincide with the 80th birthday of Anatoly Vishnevsky.
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