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Dynasties, Ambassadors, Infidels in Medieval Europe

Compiled and edited by Michail Boytsov

  • Year2025
  • Number of pages392
  • ISBN978-5-7598-2323-0
  • doi10.17323/978-5-7598-2323-0


The new book from the Polystoria series is based on the first book of the HSE Laboratory for Medieval Studies Medieval Europe: East and West, published in 2015. Its first section deals with marriage and naming strategies within the ruling elite of different communities in Northern and Eastern Europe — from Scandinavia to Georgia. In the second section is traced the circulation of texts and ideas through the Mediterranean region, using the example of the distribution of authentic and imaginary writings of Aristotle. In the third section one compares the models of attitude towards non-Christians developed in the Latin West, on the one hand, as well as in the Orthodox East, on the other hand. The fourth section deals with diplomatic ceremonies (and how they were described by interested witnesses) when the envoys of Ivan the Terrible came to Emperor Maximilian II in 1576. The final section will deal with one of the dramatic periods in the history of Russian medieval studies. The book is addressed to historians, philologists, specialists in religious and cultural studies and political analysts, as well as a wide public interested in European history.