
Research Seminar “Systemic Lexical Relations in the Russian and English Languages”
Elective course (Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
School of Foreign Languages
School of Foreign Languages
1 year, 3, 4 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of all HSE University campuses
Ksenia O. Prosyukova
ECTS credits:
Course Syllabus
The course in “Systemic lexical relations in the Russian and English languages” focuses on approaches to lexical analysis of texts on various topics. Students will master skills required for the profound pre-translation linguistic analysis, learn how to compile glossaries and term lists, and understand the major principles of working with dictionaries, term bases, language corpora, and tools for checking spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes. The seminar will be useful for students eager to develop expertise in interpretation, translation, text editing and editorial revision.
Learning Objectives
- - to familiarize students with the specific features of Russian and English vocabulary
- - to investigate the meaning, context and systemic relations of lexical untis in Russian and English
- - to give a systematic description of the vocabulary of Modern English and Russian
- - to provide sufficient working tools of lexical analysis
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Distinguish the major structural differences between English and Russian
- Identify the word meaning based its etymology
- Indentify borrowings and loanwords in a text.
- Classify lexical units relying on different theoretical foundations
- Identify and explain the types of systemic relations
- Identify the grounds of lexical transformations: substitution or replacements, additions, paraphrasing and compensation
- Recognize cognates and homophones/homographs in English and Russian
- Trace the peculiarities of transferring of culture-bound lexical units from English into Russian
- Identify types of interlingual relations between English and Russian phraseological counterparts
- Estimate word frequency in terms of corpus-based frequency norms
- Identify recognizable connections between the lexis of Russian and English
Course Contents
- Linguistic features of English and Russian lexis
- Lexical equivalents and non-corresponding lexical elements
- False friends (interlingual homophones and homographs)
- Realia in English and Russian national cultures
- Equivalent and non-equivalent phraseological units in English and Russian
- Word-frequency effect in lexical decision
- Comparative analysis of Russian and English lexis
Assessment Elements
- Test 1
- Test 2
- Team projectThe team project is an exam. If the grade is unsatisfactory, the overall grade for the course will be 0.
- Hometasks
Interim Assessment
- 2024/2025 4th module0.1 * Hometasks + 0.1 * Hometasks + 0.4 * Team project + 0.2 * Test 1 + 0.2 * Test 2
Recommended Core Bibliography
- A corpus linguistic approach to literary language and characterization : Virginia Woolf's The Waves, Balossi, G., 2014
- Corpus linguistics : applications for the study of English, , 2008
- Corpus linguistics. Vol.1: Lexical studies, , 2012
- Early modern northern English lexis : a literary corpus-based study, Ruano-Garcia, J., 2010
- Lexical representation : a multidisciplinary approach, , 2011
- Phraseology in corpus-based translation studies, Ji, M., 2010
- Иноязычная лексика современного русского языка : учеб. пособие, Маринова, Е. В., 2012
- Практикум по современному русскому языку : лексика. Фразеология: учеб. пособие для вузов, Суздальцева, В. Н., 2004
- Русская культура: история и современность : учеб. пособие для вузов, Георгиева, Т. С., 1998
- Современный русский язык. Теория. Анализ языковых единиц. Ч.1: Фонетика и орфоэпия. Графика и орфография. Лексикология. Фразеология. Лексикография. Морфемика. С..., , 2001
- Фразеология пословиц и поговорок : учеб. пособие, Демина, Т. С., 2001
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Contemporary corpus linguistics, , 2009
- Lexical meaning in context : a web of words, Asher, N., 2012
- The making of English national identity, Kumar, K., 2003
- Практикум по современному русскому языку : лексика. Фразеология: учеб. пособие для вузов, Суздальцева, В. Н., 2010
- Предпереводческий анализ текста : учеб. пособие, Брандес М.П., Провоторов В.И., 2003
- Русская фразеология : словарь-справочник : около 1500 фразеологизмов, Яранцев, Р. И., 2001