
Research Seminar in Financial Economics
Compulsory course (Financial Economics)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
International College of Economics and Finance
1 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies:
Open to:
students of all HSE University campuses
Sofya Budanova,
Victoria V. Dobrynskaya,
Vincent Fardeau,
Elena Fedorova,
Runjie Geng,
Elena Kotyrlo,
Dmitry Makarov,
Tatiana Mayskaya,
Maxim Nikitin,
Maria Semenova,
Fabian Slonimczyk,
Vladimir Sokolov,
Sergey Stepanov,
Anastasia N. Stepanova,
Alexander Usvitskiy,
Зубарев Андрей Витальевич
Master’s programme:
Financial Economics
ECTS credits:
Course Syllabus
Master ‘s research seminar is a compulsory part of the curriculum of the ICEF master’s programme “Financial Economics”. The main goals of the seminar is to teach students research techniques used in modern economics and finance, to familiarize them with the research agenda of ICEF faculty as well as the research methodology they employ , and help students to develop their research and presentation skills. The seminar is attended by both MSc student cohorts. It is conducted in English.
Learning Objectives
- To acquaint students with contemporary research topics, in particular those developed by their potential supervisors
- To expose them to up-to-date research techniques in economics and finance
- To motivate students towards an early start on their research projects
- To develop students’ academic writing skills
- To develop their presentation skills and abilities to participate in academic discussions
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Apply up-to-date research techniques in economics and finance
- Able to participate in academic discussions
- Able to set pace of the research project
- Critically analyze contemporary research topics
Course Contents
- Presentations of research supervisors.
- Introduction into research work
- Thematic and Reading group meetings
- Data bases training session
- Spring mini researchconference
Assessment Elements
- Introductory lectures test
- Presentations course paper
- Reports on students' presentations
- Data bases test
- 1st Presentation MSc Thesis
- 2nd Presentation MSc Theisis
Interim Assessment
- 2024/2025 4th module0.1 * Data bases test + 0.15 * Introductory lectures test + 0.5 * Presentations course paper + 0.25 * Reports on students' presentations
- 2025/2026 3rd module0.5 * 1st Presentation MSc Thesis + 0.5 * 2nd Presentation MSc Theisis