
Philosophy of American Pragmatism and its Legacy
Optional course (faculty)
Delivered by:
School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies
4 module
Open to:
students of one campus
Dmitry Moiseev
ECTS credits:
Course Syllabus
This is an introduction to the philosophy of American Pragmatism of the XIX century and its legacy in the XX – XXI centuries. The course is aimed to guide the students through the history of Pragmatism since its establishment as a philosophical tradition by Charles Sanders Peirce, William James and Josiah Royce, its development by George Herbert Mead and John Dewey, its different modes of application – in epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of religion and various kinds of practical philosophy. During the course the students will have the opportunity to study the ideas of principal proponents of Pragmatism using the fragments of the primary classic texts and additional scientific literature, the core tenets of this philosophical school and its practical applications and effects.
Learning Objectives
- The course is mandatory. It is prepared for the Broad Bachelor programme. It requires no prior knowledge of Pragmatism – just an interest in the history of philosophy. Any particular interest in American philosophy, culture and ways of thinking is welcome. The course is theoretical with a number of possible practical applications of regarding modes of social behavior, personal ethics and attitudes towards various public fields. The course is designed to demonstrate the students the utility of Pragmatism as a philosophy of the practical, which is aimed not only to represent philosophical positions on a number of key issues, but as a tool which may be useful for self-development and lead to a more effective, successful and productive life.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- The students will be able to understand and reconstruct one of the principal currents of American philosophy of XIX – XXI centuries in the historical context.
- The knowledge of different definitions of Pragmatism as a philosophical tradition and its principles.
- Understanding Charles Sanders Peirce’s theory of truth.
- The knowledge of William James’ Radical Empiricism.
- Understanding William James’ “cash-value” principle concerning philosophical ideas.
- Getting new angles of internalizing spiritual and religious experience as proposed by William James and Josiah Royce.
- Understanding the principles of George Herbert Mead’s Symbolic Interactionism.
- The knowledge of the theory of Democracy as depicted by John Dewey and its significance for political philosophy and political history.
- Understanding the importance of John Dewey’s philosophy of education.
- The impact of American Pragmatism in Italy will be examined.
- Students will understand the importance and usefulness of Pragmatist legacy for contemporary philosophy.
- After studying Pragmatism as the philosophy of the practical students will be able to develop useful mindsets for a more productive and efficient life.
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Art as experience, Dewey, J., 2005
- Mind, self, and society : from the Standpoint of a social behaviorist, Mead, G. H., 1992
- The essential Peirce. Vol.1: 1867-1893, Peirce, C.S., 1992
- The essential Peirce. Vol.2: 1893-1913, Peirce, C.S., 1998
- The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature, James, W., 1902
- The Will to Believe : and other essays in popular philosophy, James, W., 1956
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- On social psychology : selected papers, Mead, G. H., 1977
- Philosophy and the mirror of nature, Rorty, R., 1979
- Selected writings, Mead, G. H., 1981