
Research Seminar "Turkic Ethymology"
Compulsory course (Turkey and the Turkic World)
Area of studies:
Asian and African Studies
Delivered by:
Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies
Faculty of Humanities
5 year, 1-3 module
Mode of studies:
distance learning
Online hours:
Open to:
students of one campus
Anna Dybo
ECTS credits:
Course Syllabus
The subject of the discipline is the study of the composition of the dialect systems of the Turkic languages of the Oguz group, to which the main eastern language being studied, Turkish, belongs. The specificity of the Oghuz group of languages is that it consists mainly of idioms, including well-established and often long-history literary languages with developed dialect systems. The dialects of the Oguz languages are quite oriented according to their belonging to a completely specific language system (in contrast, for example, to the situation in the Sayan Mountains). In this case, of course, in a number of cases there is actually a situation of dialect continuity. when some dialects can be attributed, for example, to both the Turkish and Azerbaijani languages; Special attention is paid to such cases.The purpose of the discipline is to create in students a general understanding of the features of the Turkish language and its dialects against the background of the Oghuz languages that are closest to it, the main differences between dialects in the field of phonetics, morphology and vocabulary, traces of the formation of dialect systems in medieval written monuments. This information is needed both for future scientific work and for practical training in the Turkish language in the process of live communication with native speakers.
Learning Objectives
- The purpose of the discipline is to create in students a general understanding of the features of the Turkish language and its dialects against the background of the Oghuz languages that are closest to it, the main differences between dialects in the field of phonetics, morphology and vocabulary, traces of the formation of dialect systems in medieval written monuments. This information is needed both for future scientific work and for practical training in the Turkish language in the process of live communication with native speakers
Expected Learning Outcomes
- A student shall formulate the basic parameters of the classification of languages of the Oguz group and the classification of dialects of each of the Oguz languages; and the features that distinguish dialects from each other.
- A student gains skills to determine a dialect in which a text is written or pronounced and skills of grammatical analysis and translation of dialect texts
Course Contents
- Turkish language and its dialects
- Azerbaijani language and its dialect system.
- Turkmen language and its dialect system.
- Oguz dialects of Northern Uzbekistan, Iran and Afghanistan
- Salar language and its dialects.
- Gagauz language and Turkish dialects of Eastern Bulgaria.
Interim Assessment
- 2024/2025 2nd module0.3 * In-class assignment + 0.4 * Oral interview + 0.3 * Участие в семинарах
- 2024/2025 3rd module0.3 * In-class assignment + 0.4 * Oral interview + 0.3 * Участие в семинарах
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Азербайджан и Россия: общества и государства, , 2001
- Введение в востоковедение. Общий курс : язык, история, религия, антропология, литературоведение, ..., , 2013
- Гагаузы, , 2011
- Когнитивная семантика. Введение в когнитивную лингвистику, курс лекций : учебное пособие, М-во образования и науки РФ ; Тамбовский гос. ун-т им. Г. Р. Державина ; Российская ассоц. лингвистов-когнитологов, 4-е изд., испр. и доп., 235 с., Болдырев, Н. Н., 2014
- Турецкий язык: Начальный курс, Гузев, В.Г., 2012
- Узбеки, , 2011
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Тюрки : двенадцать лекций по истории тюркских народов Средней Азии, Бартольд, В. В., 2018
- Тюркские народы Крыма : караимы, крымские татары, крымчаки, Чижова, Л. В., 2003
- Этимология. [Т.30], [30]: 2006 - 2008, , 2010
- Этногенез турок : (происхождение и основные этапы этнической истории), Еремеев, Д. Е., 1971