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Nonlinear wave theory

Anatoly Kamchatnov

  • Year2024
  • Number of pages792
  • ISBN978-5-7598-2933-1
  • doi10.17323/978-5-7598-2933-1


The nonlinear wave theory is presented starting from its basic elements, and it is developed up to its most modern chapters. Special attention is drawn to the theory of dispersive shock waves, whose detailed exposition has not been presented so far in the existing textbooks. In particular, the Gurevich–Pitaevskii approach based on the Whitham theory of modulations is explained in much detail. To read this book, it would be enough to know the standard courses of physics and mathematics presented at the physical or mathematical departments of universities. The mathematical methods used in this book are directed at applications to typical physical problems.
The book will be useful both for experts working in the field of nonlinear wave theory and for students studying this branch of science.