Ghazals of Hafiz. Texts, translations, commentaries
Natalia Prigarina, Natalia Chalisova, Maxim Rusanov
- Year2024
- ISBN978-5-7598-2555-5
- doi10.17323/978-5-7598-2556-2
The book, part 2 of a two-part edition, provides ghazals 101–200 of Hafiz, accompanied by philological translations and detailed comments to each verse. The rich allegoric technique of the great Persian poet is discussed in the Introduction. The publication is completed with Indexes of proper names and Qur’anic citations and allusions, and a List of references. The edition is intended primarily for specialists in Persian and Persianate literature and for students enrolled in the university Persian Studies programs. It may also be of interest to medievalists studying other literary traditions, as well as to poets-translators and all lovers of Iranian culture.
Other books by these authors
- Elena Armand
- Natalia Chalisova