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Бакалавриат 2024/2025

Экономика и политика Кореи

Когда читается: 3-й курс, 1, 2 модуль
Охват аудитории: для своего кампуса
Язык: английский

Course Syllabus


The South Korean development experience poses many puzzles. Why did Korea fail at modernization at the turn of 19th-20th Century while Japan succeeded? Was the developmental state alone that was behind the post-independence Korean success story? If the state indeed played a decisive role in promoting economic development of Korea, where did this developmental state originate from? How could Korea achieve “growth with equity”in the course of industrialization? Because of the earlier land reform? Then, how could the Korean land reform succeed when similar efforts in many other countries failed miserably? Why did organized labor remain docile during the 1950s and 1960s and then suddenly become assertive in the 1970s? Why was competitive politics of the 1960s replaced in favor of exclusionary authoritarianism in the early 1970s? Why did the authoritarian regimes collapse despite their brilliant economic performance? If Korea was so successful in industrialization and rapid economic growth, why did it fall victim to the financial crisis of 1997-98? Was the Korean model of development that was wrong or what? What are the economic consequences of democratization? Is Korean democracy consolidated or retreating? Will Korean democracy survive what appears to be excessive non-institutional political participation? Focusing on the interplay between politics and economy, this course tries to answer these and many other puzzles of Korean development after 1945 and by doing so to draw lessons for the developing countries that are still struggling with issues of economic and political development. The primary method of instruction is lecture, occasionally complemented by in-class discussions. In this course, students acquire necessary skills to apply machine learning techniques for economic data analysis, including the application of diffusion models and random forest for predicting, analyzing and modeling economic and political processes using the example of the Republic of Korea. Audio-visual presentation will be utilized where possible. Proper preparation on the part of the students is essential and participation is strongly emphasized.